For interior surfaces, can be overcoated in 3 hours with any conventional paint or wallpaper. It can be filled to any depth without shrinking and offers exceptional adhesion with excellent shaping qualities. It’s easy to sand and it won’t flash or grin, so there’s no need to spot prime.
Our shop is located on Newmarket Studlands business centre
Unit 4/5, CB8 7SS
Take a look at our guide below on the paints that we manufacture at Newmarket Paint Company
Take a look at the other products we stock and sell at Newmarket Paint Company.
Unit 5, Studlands Business Centre, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 7EA
7:30am – 5:00pm Monday to Thursday
7:30am – 4:30pm Friday
9:00am – 12:00pm Saturday
T. 01638660262
E. info@newpaint.co.uk