Gilding Clare College Dining Hall

Gilding at clare college This is us gold leafing and spraying the ceiling of the dining hall at Clare College from a scaffold. Gilding At Clare College Previous slide Next slide Go To All Case Studies

Sydney Sussex Book Shop

Sidney sussex book store Decoration of external Sidney Sussex Book Store. This was a full restoration of windows and gates. Sidney Sussex Book Store Previous slide Next slide Go To All Case Studies

Girton College

Girton college Decoration of dining hall wood work with hardwax oil to give the desired natural finish, whilst being durable enough for high traffic environments. We also decorated the walls with paint supplied by Newmarket Paint Company. Girton College Previous slide Next slide Go To All Case Studies

Kings College

Kings college Golden staircase sprayed by our specialists at Newmarket Decorators for Kings College in Cambridge. Kings College Previous slide Next slide Go To All Case Studies

Cambridge Satchel Company

Cambridge satchel company Exterior decoration of Cambridge Satchel companies shop on St Mary’s passage with the job supplied by Newmarket Paint Company. Cambridge Satchel Company Previous slide Next slide Go To All Case Studies

Sydney Sussex College

Sidney sussex college Decoration of dining hall by Newmarket Decorators with all paint supplied by Newmarket Paint Company Sidney Sussex College Previous slide Next slide Go To All Case Studies